1.10 Background
Planning for recovery takes time, leadership, resources, and support from community stakeholders. This grant program will augment current efforts to help communities with the most damage and least capacity to develop strategies for long-term recovery.
The resultant long-term recovery strategy will ensure rebuilding that strengthens community vitality, maximizes use of available funds, and reduces future flood related damages. In the wake of the disaster, many of the affected communities have received federal and state assistance, and untold hours of volunteer services to help meet basic shelter, humanitarian and cleanup needs. As communities move beyond the immediate recovery phase of a disaster, long-term community recovery planning can help focus their efforts by establishing a vision for how they will rebuild and reduce their vulnerability to future disasters.
1.20 Funding Availability
The Long-Term Community Recovery (LTCR) Strategy Grant is a competitive grant program to aid a community in developing a strategy for long-term community recovery of the storm-struck area identified in the application. The Department of State (DOS) will make approximately twelve grants of up to $50,000. DOS reserves the right to make additional awards if funds are available. There will be up to two grant rounds based on funding availability.
Round 1 Application Due Date | January 12, 2012 by 4:00 pm | |
Round 2 Application Due Date | March 1, 2012 by 4:00 pm |
General Program Information & Inquiries
Peter Walsh
NYS Department of State
Communities and Waterfronts
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue, Suite 1015
Albany, New York 12231
(518) 474-6000
Proposal SubmissionLuAnn Hart, Contract Administration Unit
Attention: RFA 11-CSTL-10
NYS Department of State Bureau of Fiscal Management
One Commerce Plaza, Suite 1110
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
Descrpition of program and Request for Applictions: LTCR RFA (pdf)LTCR Strategy Application Form (msword)