Sep 22 2011 7:15PM
Now tonight it's Burlington's turn
All people from the area are invited to come and visit with officials from the different Federal agencies that are at the Burlington Elementary School tonight.
The format is the same, different areas of the community are provided and all you have to do is write down your ideas.

(Tim Gelston, FEMA ESF-14) "It's incredibly important. These plans are truly the communities plans. ESF-14 comes and assists the community in developing their plan. It's never about the Federal government doing planning for the community. It's always about us supporting the community and their planning efforts."
Tonight's open house is at Burlington Elementary and goes until 8pm.
The final Informational gathering open house is back in Minot this Saturday from 10am to 3pm at Jim Hill Middle School.
The format is the same, different areas of the community are provided and all you have to do is write down your ideas.
(Tim Gelston, FEMA ESF-14) "It's incredibly important. These plans are truly the communities plans. ESF-14 comes and assists the community in developing their plan. It's never about the Federal government doing planning for the community. It's always about us supporting the community and their planning efforts."
Tonight's open house is at Burlington Elementary and goes until 8pm.
The final Informational gathering open house is back in Minot this Saturday from 10am to 3pm at Jim Hill Middle School.